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Photo on 11-09-2018 at 11.32 AM.jpeg


This is  jD Shapiro.I'm writing My Mission Statement and About Me.


Some other things on this website are written by me. Most are written by Maggie, my fantastic assistant. Maggie knows me well and who, along with others on my teams, convinced me to have a website due to the business I'm in and much of the work I've done and am doing not being on IMDB- for reasons unknown. As well as to quell some falsehoods about my career that are out there, probably due to me giving flippant and sarcastic  answers during many


I originally became a filmmaker because I want to make the world a better place to live. I sill want this but have come to realise this takes time. So if I can be one of many who toss a pebble into the ocean and eventually cause a titlewave of change for good - I've done okay. I fight for equal and just rights for all those who don't have a voice and are often oppressed and overlooked. Especially what we call "animals" who are more human(e) than most humans. This fight is reflects in my movies, TV Series, Comic Books and when I am the Creative Consultant on movies and TV series.



I am, nor is anyone or anything, the sum-total of the label/description we are given by ohers and give ourselves.

I've have, a very,, very strange life. I grew up poor in North New Jersey in a run down house with one bathroom with my three Sisters and Mom, and in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC with my Dad. In many ways I grew up in 2 different Universes.


I ’m a total contradiction (to myself and others). ’m a Contrarian who will constantly and consistently question authority.


I believe in magic. And I wish we all did as well.

I am a truth seeker. And: ”People like the truth as much as they like poetry. And people fucking hate poetry" - From The brilliant movie "The Big Short" Written by Charles Randolph, Adam McKay, Michael Lewis and Directed by Adam McKay.

I'm care what you think or me and my work. 


Did I mention I'm a major contradiction?

So, what (and possibly "who") am I?

A Storyteller.

But that’s me defining me. In the end, as well as now, it will be others who define me. And that is fine with me.

As long as it's on my terms :)






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